Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

12-Step Program for White Collar Defendants with Jeff Grant



Tom Fox read about Jeff Grant’s work in The New Yorker and was intrigued, so he invited him on this week’s show. Tom describes Jeff’s work as “an unusual professional passion”. Listeners will be inspired by Jeff’s story: what led to his arrest and prison sentence, his redemption, and how he now helps others recover. “I Was the Problem” Becoming a lawyer was the perfect fit for Jeff’s skill set and attitude, he tells Tom, but it was “very bad for me in terms of bipolar disorder and my alcohol and drug abuse.” He describes his descent into white collar crime, his subsequent arrest and resignation from his law practice. A suicide attempt, intervention, and a stint in rehab all contributed to his ‘aha moment’ and the road to recovery. “I was the one who had been doing things wrong, and I didn't really realize that the whole time,” he recalls. “...that was the turning point that I realized that I was the problem.” Progressive Prison Ministries Tom asks Jeff what led him to found Progressive Prison Ministries. Go