Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

Not Your Father’s Monitor- Episode 2: Mikhail Reider Gordon on the Global Nature Aspects of New DOJ Focus on Monitors



 In October, Deputy Attorney General (DAG) Lisa O. Monaco gave a Keynote Address at ABA’s 36th National Institute on White Collar Crime (Monaco Speech). Monaco’s remarks should be studied by every compliance professional as they portend a very large change in the way the DOJ will utilize monitors going forward. Over this podcast series, sponsored by AMI we will consider why DAG Monaco’s remarks herald a new era for monitorships. Over this podcast series we will consider Monaco’s remarks from a variety of perspectives. Bethany Hengsbach considered this change in monitorships from the white-collar enforcement and defense perspective. Cristina Revelo discusses how E&C assessments help drive more compliant companies. Jesse Caplan will bring his views on the intersection of the twin topics of antitrust and healthcare compliance. Vin DiCianni looks at where monitors and monitorships are going in 2022 and beyond. In this Episode 2, Mikhail Reider Gordon will look at global aspects of the new DOJ monitor’s focus. Hig