Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story - Encore Episode # 214: An Interview With Batman Exec Prod. Michael Uslan



THE BATMAN film has arrived.  THE DETECTIVE is Back! Following a long line of live and animated successes, the newest Batman movie landed on March 4, 2022. So Chris and Alex decided this would be a good time to repeat their interview with the Executive Producer, Michael Uslan.  If you didn't hear it before, here's episode #214 of Tell The Damn Story. Sit back and hear how Michael bought the film rights decades ago, and then faced multiple rejections for years.  How did he keep going? How he turn a book about his childhood love for the character into a forth coming Broadway play? Alex and Chris explore those question and more with the man, and The Boy Who Loved Batman. Have questions or comments for us? Post in the comments section or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story Tell The Damn Story #Blackjack #thebatman #michaeluslan #batmantheanimatedseries #theboywholovedbatman #batman #Bat