Change Your Mindset

S4E40. Manage Your Stress with a Dose of Humor



I’ll be the first to tell you – improv isn’t all about comedy and making people laugh. However, improv can be a great tool for humor and is how most people are introduced to it. My own introduction to improv involved using it and comedy as coping mechanisms for the challenges life was throwing my way. Do you remember the song, “Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down?” Mary Poppins was onto something. To digest something undesirable, but necessary, combine it with something sweet. You can take this advice literally, but if you’d rather not indulge in a sugar binge, why not give humor a try? To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: Resources: 10 Reasons Why Humor Is A Key To Success At Work Change Your Mindset is a production of Crate Media Learn more about your ad choices. Visit