Delight Your Marriage

328-Years of Confusion Around Sex and Now Finally Clear…Pastor Luke’s Transformation Story



How would you rate intimacy in your marriage…any type of intimacy?    Do you wonder why intimacy is such a difficult topic in marriage? Do you wish you could understand why husbands and wives see this topic so differently?   How do you know if you’re off target in how you relate to your spouse?    Maybe you feel like you’re not the one with a problem, it’s your spouse… “You don’t know what you don’t know!”  Listen in as Pastor Luke shares how things that he thought he knew and had a handle on, had a whole new light shone on them in Masculinity Reclaimed. He also discovered that some things that he had once found confusing, now seem so clear!   Pastor Luke explains why he thinks Delight Your Marriage is effective, “It’s easy for women to understand how women feel. It’s easy for men to understand how men feel, but if you can find a man who understands women or women who understand men, I think they have a responsibility to help bridge that gap. Belah has it and she is living into that responsibility. She is