So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

101: So You Wanna Sell On eBay - Nathan Hirsch



Nathan Hirsch is a serial entrepreneur and expert in remote hiring and eCommerce. He is the founder and CEO of and the co-founder and COO of Portlight. Nathan started his eCommerce career on the Amazon Marketplace and successfully built a $7 million business within 4 years. After seeing the potential of using remote workers within his first business, he founded FreeeUp to make the remote hiring experience simpler for all eCommerce business owners. FreeeUp now provides reliable eCommerce workers to hundreds of clients around the world. Nathan is an expert at building efficient systems and processes, sales strategies, and business management. He currently lives in Orlando, Florida. Interesting Notes Nathan's Dad is a Teacher. He had always wanted Nathan to take the conventional route and get a full-time corporate job. His Mom is both a Teacher and an Entrepreneur. He saw her mother's business grow from its small beginnings to reaping the benefits. He saw his mother's drive and the hours she put