Felix & Sofie

S4E07 // Dismantling the master’s house with Audre Lorde - Zuleika Bibi Sheik



Black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet. This is how poet, writer, thinker and feminist Audre Lorde (1934-1992) described herself. Lorde was an important voice for Black lesbian women and fought against homophobia, sexism and racism throughout her life and work. Lorde was of immense importance to the feminist movement. She addressed the underlying racism of the (predominantly) white feminist movement and wrote about intersectionality long before the term was officially coined. Intersectionality entails that different forms of oppression, like sexism, racism, homophobia, classism and ageism are interrelated and should be analyzed in relation to each other. For instance, Lorde emphasized that she was not only oppressed because she was a woman: she also faced oppression because she was a Black and lesbian woman. That is why Lorde valued the power of difference. By acknowledging our differences, we could find equality instead of equity. Lorde expressed her ideas through poetry and emotional language, in a way tha