Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast

EP 5:07 Stepping into Your Genius to Create an Automotive Dream Team with Mike Zeller



This week on the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Sean V. Bradley, CSP discusses tapping into your genius and what that means for business. People are continuously learning and growing and discovering themselves. This does not stop when you reach adulthood. If anything, we flourish in adulthood as we navigate through our trials and triumphs.  Joining Sean this week is Mike Zeller, entrepreneur mentor and business architect. Together, Sean and Mike discuss a multitude of topics such as the impact of your environment on your success and how to handle major transitions in your life. Mike touches on his transition out of the automotive industry as a dealer principal and how the best way to face resistance is to face it head on. Additionally, they discuss how stepping into your genius can bring purpose to your work and provide new opportunities, also known as “Blue Ocean Strategy”.  In Daniel Pink’s “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us”, he brings up three main driving points: autonomy, mastery an