Speak English Now Podcast: Learn English | Speak English Without Grammar.

#096 Obsolete Communication 
Devices and Gadgets



Speaking English is easier than it seems! You just have to use the right material and techniques. Today we are going to be a bit nostalgic, and talk about some communication devices and gadgets that still exist nowadays, but are obsolete.
 Let’s start! Fax machine How did we share documents and letters before the email existed? Although many people sent a telegram or a letter, there was another device that we used, particularly in the professional field. Yes. I'm talking about the fax machine. While some companies still use fax machines, no one has one of those machines at home. I guess we prefer to use an email because it's faster, takes up no space and it's free. Nowadays, you can still send a fax without a fax machine. You only need to use your computer or a smartphone, because there are websites that offer this service. Telegram And by the way, you'll be surprised to know that people still send telegrams. No. I'm not referring to the Telegram Messenger app. You can send a telegram the old fashioned way