Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Stop stopping: Amber Sandberg: 276



Do you find you start and stop your your weight loss journey? You decide you are so over talking about your weight, and so this is going to be it, you are finally going to to do it. You buy the books, you get the food, you buy a journal to write in, you have a plan, colored pens and you are ready to go. Week two comes around the corner and you are over everything you set out to do. Maybe you have been working out hard and feel too sore and can't keep going so you want to give up.  Maybe you expected to work out really hard and lose weight and you have yet to see the scale move and you feel defeated. You are done making eggs, eating veggies and protein, you are so bored out of your mind that you can't see yourself doing this one more day. Next thing you know, you are going through the drive through of your favorite place, telling yourself that this is too hard and it's not going to work anyway.  When we want to solve our problems with food this is where we want to start quitting.  We want to numb out, escap