Key Voices

Key Voices #144 - Leading a trust through a cyber attack and reflections on the role of the CEO with Sir Dan Moynihan



This week we talk to Sir Dan Moynihan, CEO of the Harris Federation about leading the trust through a major cyber attack last year. We also talk about some of the systems that underpin the Harris Federation’s school improvement and efficiency models, as well as hearing Sir Dan’s reflection on the role of the CEO.    We talk about:  How the cyber attack happen and how the story unfolded including how they got support to negotiate with the hackers  How prevalent such attacks are and how all schools should assume they will be targeted  The challenges the team at Harris faced and the support they got to recover including how the precautions they had taken had allowed them to open safely with all IT systems down Sir Dan’s own experience of being in charge during such a difficult time  Additional steps the trust is taking to protect itself in future  How Harris uses a team of subject specialists to support school improvement on the ground as part of its turnaround process How they have managed to find effi