Karen Swain Atp Radio

Frequency Light Upgrade WISH Alliance Presents KAren Swain



WISH Alliance Presents KAren Swain; Frequency Light Upgrade. As bringers of the light here to create, enlighten, teach and remind humanity of their powers of manifestation, creation, focus and thought, we are being asked to align our own energy field with more love, more grace, more freedom and light, so we can empower and support the awakening masses. Over the past couple of months, we have been asked to rest, rejuvenate, realign and allow our energy and physical systems to recalibrate to a new way of living in this world. KAren will speak about how to deal with this, manifestations of beliefs, thoughts and focus, and how to stay in your light lane, and not get swept away with the mainstream narratives of fear and disempowerment. BIO: KAren Swain is a Teacher of Deliberate Creation, Spiritual Mentor, Inspirational Educator/Speaker, Host of Accentuate The Positive Media, Author of Return to Love & Awakened by Death, and Creator of The Awakening Soul Series, who Activates, Accelerates, Acclimates and Accentu