Delight Your Marriage

326-Thirty-Seven Years "Pushed" & Now "Free" - Julie's Transformation Story



"She felt he was pushing her towards sex and she would pull away and it would make him angry". After 37 years of marriage, God has done a work in their marriage. Even though they were best friends, this was something that was always this "friction" between them. She felt like she was up against a wall all the time and being pushed caused her to have no libido. She had never, ever spoken to ANYONE about sex, ever. And she said now she is able to speak about it. After 37 years of questions and pain, now she's feeling healing. He thought he was expressing his heart and it was just pushing me farther from him sexually. She says this freedom in intimacy "impacts everything". I think this will give you so much hope and insights into what you can do as a husband, and how you can be encouraged as a wife. God is still transforming hearts! Blessings, Belah PS - If you'd like to find out if a program that Julie was discussing that she or her husband went through, join us on a Clarity Call at t