Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Using a Self Directed Retirement Account to Invest in Private Company Stocks



Self Directed Retirement Accounts (IRA and ROTH) have long been used as a means to put retirement funds to work creating greater yield by investing in Real Estate.   Earnings and Capital Gains go back into the retirement account tax free or tax deferred, depending on the structure.  It is not common knowledge that this is possible for investing in startups and growth stage companies offering shares in exchange for investment capital. In fact this one of the 'Inside Secrets' Karen covers in her book Inside Secrets to Angel Investing.   Tune in to hear how to use this as an entrepreneur seeking investment capital or as an angel investing seeking better returns than offered through traditional stock exchange investing. Patrick Hagen is the National Director of Business Development for STRATA Trust Company, a self-directed IRA custodian that specializes in holding alternative assets for IRA/401(k) account holders. Patrick has 16 years of experience in the self-directed IRA industry and has worked with thousands