Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Impact Investing and Compassionate Capitalism - Educating a new Generation



According to Investopedia, in the simplist terms, "impact investing is investing that aims to generate specific beneficial social or environmental effects in addition to financial gain.”   But shouldn't all investing have that impact? Impact investing falls within the umbrella of Compassionate Capitalism because it also includes directing investment dollars to bring innovation to market, create jobs, and produce wealth by investing in the entrepreneurs to provide the capital they need to start and grow their businesses.  Impact Investing narrows the focus within that umbrella to solve specific social problems in a sustainable manner, such as the education gap, or poverty, or community sustainability issues such as clean water and clean energy. On this Compassionate Capitalist Podcast episode, Karen Rands is joined by Shannon Mudd, Dir of Microfinance, Impact Investing, Social Entrepreneurial Programs; Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics at Haverford College in Pennsylvania.  Shannon has a rich history