Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

SCALE - A Balancing Act of Growth, Innovation, Culture, & Process



There is an art to scaling a business.  Processes can grow your production to meet increased customer demand.  Often corporate cultures change over time. Maintaining an entrepreneur mindsight so your employees continue to seek improvement and innovate so your company is better equiped to handle disruption from competition and recognize new opportunities to pursue.  Companies that sustain for the long term either figure that out or stagnate and fail.    Mark Travis joins Karen Rands as special guest to talk corporate culture and growth on this segment of the Compassionate Capitalist Podcast. Mark co-founded 5 startups and now works as a trusted advisor as a global strategy consultant working with leaders of Fortune 500 and Inc 5000 companies around the globe. He helps clients align their organizations and technologies to the markets, resulting in higher profitability. He does this by helping them understand the internal and external forces that change the dynamics of value and a company's ability to respond,