Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Growth of Angel Capital in Secondary Markets - Louisiana



Angel Investing is strong in places like San Francisco, New York City, and Boston. Popular opinion is that 'secondary markets' in the Midwest and the South don't have much in the way of innovation and committed capital. That is changing. Places like Louisiana are stepping up and building entrepreneur and investor ecosystems to help their economies thrive. The Bayou will never be a 'Silicon Valley' but they are making great strides in creating their own 'movement' to fund innovation and create wealth through successful entrepreneurism in Louisiana.  Karen's Guest on this Compassionate Capitalist show, Skip Boudreaux shares his commitment to growing the Louisiana entrepreneur ecosystem and explains how ACR helps entrepreneurs and innovation get to market, create jobs, grow the economy and create wealth for all those involved...he is a true Compassionate Capitalist. Kyle "Skip" Boudreaux spent many years in the entrepreneur trenches before becoming an investment advisor and catching the angel investor bug. From