Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Pros & Cons for Raising Capital Direct to Investors vs Angel Investors & VCs



In this episode of the Compassionate Capitalist Podcast, Karen will explore which methods are best for the specific companies and when should strategies be integrated. You know you need to raise capital, but how? Do you go the traditional Angel Investor to VC that most tech companies follow or is one of the 5 ways to solicit for investment from the public (Crowd Funding) the best route for your company? Listen to learn what works for you. Karen has worked with entrepreneurs and investors for over 15 years, educating them on the best practices to succeed in business and get the funding necessary to reach their goals... for the company seeking capital and the investor seeking to get a good return on their investment. Since the JOBS Act of 2012, 5 methods for raising capital from a crowd found have been added to the traditional pipeline of Friends & Family, to Angel Groups, to VCs. They are Reward Based CrowdFunding, Equity Based CrowdFunding (REG CF), Intrastate Crowdfunding, REG D 506c and Reg A+. Ka