Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Compassionate Capitalism and the Financial Renaissance of the Black Community



What if there was a way to do what many have unsuccessfully tried and many think impossible: to invest in low- economic neighborhoods, benefit the community and actually make money at the same time?  We are on the threshold, if we do this right, that history will look back on this time as the turning point for an urban renaissance.  Terrence Gallman, of Gallman Investments joins Karen Rands to discuss the dystopia that exists in many urban communities due to decades of limited investment in resources and virtually no access to capital for real estate development and redevelopment, and commercial businesses.  During their conversation you will hear about the factors that have led to this situation across America and the public / private partnerships being formed with Investors, Foundations, Family Offices, and Economic Development entities to turn the tide, because all can rise when the tide of capital rises to uplift those that have been forsaken and left behind.  Terrence Gallman is the esteemed author of