Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Business Corporate Culture is their Brand, the Logo is Not, with Robert Manasier



A business brand is more than a logo or slogan, it is the full corporate culture of how they conduct business with their customers and partners, and their role in the community.  Robert Manasier joins Karen Rands to discuss the difference and the dispel confusion over a business 'brand'.   Key take aways: Don't raise money until you have customers. Branding is internal and external....communication, engaging the community of stake holders and customers.  Building a brand involves creating and building strategies, business execution plans and teams that get your business goals DONE. Robert Manasier has decades of international commercialization leadership and now serves as the Entrepreneur in Residence to the regional ecosystem of the Capital District of NY to assist the maturing of the startup and entrepreneurial companies in the affiliate partners.   He works with Innovate 518,  NY's Innovation Hot Spot, and Ignite U as an accelerator and mentors at FasterCapital is a virtual incubator based in Dubai In