Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How reflective thinking can change your life: Jinny Uppal: 274



Do you find that you have no time to create white space in your life? Today I have author Jinny Uppal on the show to talk about things we can do to create a better quality of life.  We chat about how our society is all about hustling and that social media has glamorized that behavior to make it the norm and how damaging that can be. What we don't realize is that it leaves us burnt out and running on empty.  Jinny shares with us what she learned while writing her book and taking the steps she discusses on this episode are so easy to practice, starting today. Jinny explains to us what reflective thinking is and why it's such a powerful tool in our life and once we see the benefits we won't want to stop. She describes one technique called "mind wandering" and how that looks and how it can change our brain activity and help us to be more creative in problem solving in our lives.  Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast.   Hey, have you grabbed your free copy of  "Getting back into you