M&A Unplugged

Paul Liles: Securing An SBA Loan – Ep. 006



In this episode, Domenic and Paul Lilies discuss:          What an SBA Loan is and how they differ from a traditional loan.          Getting your business to show the best cash flow before selling.          The most important financial statements for the bank and the SBA loan process.          What buyers should be looking for when considering an M&A transaction.     Key Takeaways:          SBA loans can make a lot of sense in the right cases.          Having the right set of advisors who specialize in M&A transactions can really make your transaction more profitable.          Sellers - make sure your business is ready to go through the scrutiny of the approval and underwriting process.          Buyers – make sure you are paying attention to your background, do you have experience, do you have the cash infusion, do you have the right team.     "If you’re looking to sell, make sure you’re preparing and putting in the time, whether that is six months or two years, to get your business ready to sell.