Ask Altucher

Ep. 76 How to Move On



A couple of months ago, James and Aaron answered a listener's question about how to get unstuck in their current situation.Since then, we have got continuous e-mails from listeners writing in with questions for more information on this topic.So today, we decided to do a Part II to the segment.Have you found yourself feeling trapped in a relationship, job, emotional slump, or just sick of a daily routine that never changes?Today, James and Aaron talk about how the simple task of saying no to activities and duties that you don't want to participate in can dramatically change your life.You'll hear how the "daily practice," becoming physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy, and the power of no can provide you with a completely new outlook on the world.With every obstacle, there is an opportunity. It's your choice to make it constructive to your wellbeing.