Ask Altucher

Ep. 128 Today's the Day



Have you started your own daily practice? Have you followed James advice and started to exercise your idea muscle on a daily basis?If you have then you probably have some ideas that you have thought about executing.But how do you know when it is the right time to act on an idea?Today James and Claudia talk about how to continue your idea list and the importance of combining good ideas together.James mentions on the podcast that one of the best strategies is to continue the idea generation until you have become an idea machine...If you are coming up with ideas every day, then you are giving your imagination exactly what it needs... Exercise and nourishment.And if you think that you are ready to execute at least one of your current ideas then today is just what you have been waiting for...On our second segment... James and Claudia challenge all listeners to try and execute one "good idea" this week and provide some basic but helpful tips on how to accomplish the task.