Ask Altucher

Ep 235: Should I Quit My Job to Open a Yoga Studio?



Today's question comes from a listener who wants to know, "Should I quit my job and open a yoga studio?" James says, "If you're leaving your job, don't start a yoga studio." The goal to choosing yourself is to make money while you sleep. The problem with quitting your job and opening a yoga studio is you always have to be there to make any money. The best case is it's a lifestyle business. You're doing this because you love it and just have to do it, but test your idea first. Try adding in clothing, food, and equipment. Make it a destination. We'd love to hear about your "Choose Yourself" stories. Send us your stories here: Regards, David   P.S. Hi, James here... My new book is finally out! It has taken me a year to put together all the skills I think are needed to create abundance in this new economy. I hope you write me with feedback and questions. Here's what the initial reviews on this book have said: "James Altucher did it again. I just finished and have to say it was a great read. Great insight into th