Ask Altucher

Ep 243 How to Survive Prison



went to prison. Not jail... prison. He was sent to the Texas State Penitentiary and served a six-month prison term there. He joins James today to talk about the mistakes he made and why he did it. He was convicted of stealing about 17,000 pages of documents from the Mazal Holocaust Library in Hill Country Village and then selling them online. While exact numbers aren't available, it's believed about 7,000 pages were never recovered. He felt he probably won't have to go to jail but in June 2014 the judge sentenced him to six months in prison. During the three and a half years between being arrested and being sentenced, he finished school and started a business. He credits as one of things that helped him get through this ordeal. How he survived prison is a fascinating story. Regards, David P.S. Hi, James here... My new book is finally out! It has taken me a year to put together all the skills I think are needed to create abundance in this new economy. I hope you write me with feedback and questions. Here's wh