Connie Pheiff Show

Living Life Bigger Than You Thought Possible



Today’s guest is the Pioneer for Career Change with Joy of Business.. He is a speaker, entrepreneur, and business and life mentor. The Australian CFO of Access Consciousness®, sharing simple-yet-profound tools transforming lives in 174 countries.  Lessons to manage your surroundings, manage your circle, and manage your time. Learn more about Brendon Watt at and like and share on most social platforms When we touch a heart we change a life When we change a life we become unstoppable Together!   She was cleaning houses before filling houses, your host Connie Pheiff is a Philanthropist, Social Venture Entrepreneur, and #BeyondMeToo Activist is the Jewel in the Crown of the Pheiff Group, Inc. With her distinctive voice audiences everywhere know her. She is blessed from her work as a corporate CEO, award-winning speaker, Podcaster, Mentor, Coach and author. She is provocative, edgy, and brings a genuine humor to the platform.  Connie is best known as the Unstoppable DIVA, former executive turned Me