Connie Pheiff Show

Fishing the North-40



Educator, heart attack survivor, state championship, winning high school football coach steps away from his role taking a significant pay cut to help survivors find their true north. His inspiration kicks it into neutral and helps you to follow your heart to your North 40. You can connect with Anthony Lipani everywhere. Find him on your favorite social platform. When we touch a heart we change a life When we change a life we become unstoppable Together! YOU are the BRAND She was cleaning houses before filling houses, your host Connie Pheiff is a Philanthropist, Social Venture Entrepreneur, and #BeyondMeToo Activist is the Jewel in the Crown of the Pheiff Group, Inc. With her distinctive voice audiences everywhere know her. She is blessed from her work as a corporate CEO, award-winning speaker, Podcaster, Mentor, Coach and author. She is provocative, edgy, and brings a genuine humor to the platform.  Connie is best known as the Unstoppable DIVA, former executive turned Media Industrialist. In addition to produ