Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Take advice that works and leave the rest: Amber Sandberg: 273



Do you feel overwhelmed by all the advice thrown at you? Today I am going to talk to you about taking what works and leaving the rest behind and not feeling guilty about it. With it being January there are so many programs out there especially for weight loss and you might be finding yourself completely confused on which advice you should follow. Maybe you feel like you should be doing 75 Hard like the rest of your friends but feel like it isn't the right fit for you in the season of life you are in. Does it feel like all your friends are tracking macros in order to lose weight and keeping it off? Does it seem like if you don't burn the candle at both ends that you are not hustling enough? So many people want to give us a formula and and it might just not work for us and that is okay. We are not in the same season of life as everyone so if something resonates with you then great, but if it doesn't then leave it. Hear what I have to say about this topic and more on the podcast.   Hey, have you grabbed your