Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

How To Live Life Abundantly: Success Secret #2 with Dr. Shannon Irvine



abundance [ uh-buhn-duhns ]: noun: an extremely plentiful or oversufficient quantity or supply: overflowing fullness So often when we are working towards a goal, we put blinders up and become so hyper-focused on what we want that we lose sight of what we have.  Ouch.  I know. Me, too.  When we lose sight of the abundance around us, we begin allowing our minds to operate in scarcity. We truly begin living a life of deficiency, because our subconscious mind has wired our brains to believe that.  Do you spend more time wishing and hoping that you and your business were more instead of operating in the gifts and expertise that you already have to offer the world?  Are you living in scarcity or abundance? The biggest take-aways from today’s episode are:   It’s easy to lose focus on what we have by always focusing on what we don’t have. It’s okay to be forward-facing and plan for the future, but be careful not to fall into the trap of scarcity. Abundance is knowing that what I have will expand.  Seeing what you