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Closets Are No Place to Live: Ash Beckham



When you hear the phrase “coming out,” what do you think about?For most people, it’s telling the world you’re gay. Truth is, we’ve all got closets. Deep thoughts, experiences, beliefs, often so painful they lay buried under piles of emotional laundry in the dark corner of our closets.Thing is, holding these things back is a source of pain. You can push it away, deny it, but it’s always there. Until one day, the pain of keeping it hidden exceeds the pain of letting it out. And, so you do. That moment is hard. Really hard. And there's no comparing your hard to someone else.Ash Beckham knows this. She's lived it. And now, she's talking about it.When Ash stepped onto the stage at TEDx Boulder last year, her intention was simple. Share her story. Talk about closets and comparisons. And how they can unlock or destroy our lives. Twelve minutes later, the audience rose to applaud and Ash thought that was that. Until a few weeks later when the video was posted and exploded online. Seems she’d touched a nerve. Tha