Meditation With Christian

Why Breakups Are So Powerful



That is correct! Breakups are catalysts for Transformations. My first breakup was a huge awakening experience for me. I shook me up out of a deep slumber and made me realize what I needed for my life to become happy. Sadly, many of us can grow resentful and bitter over a breakup.. that is the typical response which can be normal and natural.. but I want to challenge that belief and let it be a very powerful mover. You see we have two choices.. let the opportunity pass and become bitter.. which means the next partner we have will show us more of our unconscious patterns .. OR.. the empowering choice which is to evolve and grow so that the next relationship will be of a higher caliber and healthy relationship. The thing is.. break ups can happen to make us grow, but we do not look at it with that new, higher perspective of expansion. We end repeating the same mistakes and same cycle and wonder why things never change and we blame it on the other person..  Does this sound familiar? "they are the issue" "wh