Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & Dr. Will Cole

236: Leo Costa Gives An Insider’s View Of The Bodybuilding Industry



It’s Thursday and that means it’s time for the REALEST TALK on the Internet, REAL TALK with Jimmy Moore! Join Jimmy today as he chats with Leo Costa about the bodybuilding industry. “Bodybuilders have long known about low-carb, keto and carnivore diets!”  - Leo Costa   In this episode, Jimmy speaks with a longtime fitness and bodybuilding expert named Leo Costa (@LeoCostaJr) who gives us an insider’s look into the common mistakes and wasted energy people engage in at the gym in their attempt to build muscle and get stronger. As a personal trainer and fitness coach, Leo has designed many personal manuals and resources for helping elite bodybuilders and average, everyday Joes alike to take their fitness seriously and get the results they want. Check out this conversation Jimmy had with Leo about what the bodybuilding industry was like in the 80’s and 90’s, how it has evolved over time, the prevalence of the low-carb and carnivore diet long before it was popular in the diet culture, and so much more. This was a