Out Of The Box With Christine

How To Deal With Anxiety and Depression In A Covid World



It's no secret that this global pandemic has impacted our lives in many ways and the stress of it all can leave you feeling overwhelmed - and even in despair. Fear and anxiety about our health, finances, our jobs, kids being home from school, caring for our elderly loved ones and the sheer isolation from social distancing can cause strong emotions in both children and adults. So what can we do about it? Laura Rhodes-Levin LMFT, is the Founder of The Missing Peace Center for Anxiety and she specialises in the evaluation and treatment of anxiety, depression and trauma. In today's episode of Out of The Box With Christine we sit down with Laura to find out what we can do to manage our stress and anxiety during these extraordinary times. LINKS MENTIONED: https://missingpeace4anxiety.com http://www.ChristineBlosdale.com http://www.OutoftheBoxWithChristine.com SUBSCRIBE TO THIS PODCAST FOR MORE INSIGHTFUL EPISODES WITH MASTER TEACHERS IN HEALTH AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT #mentalhealth #covid