Cottage Garden Party

Episode 47 - Mrs. Know It All on State Fair Expectations



How to win at the state fair is something that many people wonder about. Who knew Mrs. Know It All has won several state fairs for her Chocolate Zucchini Cake and more. She shares her experiences in winning State Fairs with us. If you would like the recipe for the sinfully delicious zucchini cake, send me an email.  Check out Mrs.Know It All on her Facebook page. She is on the radio bi-weekly on The Organic Gardener on from 7 -8 on Sunday mornings. Click here or here for more details. Around this time of the season, we are enjoying the green - yet waiting for autumn. The rain or lack thereof allows us to notice what flowers are the true soldiers of the garden with or without rain. I chose the poem "The Source" by Isla Paschal Richardson, as it speaks to what many gardens share with us right now. Thank you for being there and being patient with me. The first book, a collaborative effort with Kathy Jentz, Washington Gardener Magazine, and I were working on is available for pre-order on Amazon. Th