Sounds Heal Podcast

Sounds Heal Podcast with Peter Blum and Natalie Brown



Peter Blum has practiced and taught hypnosis to tens of thousands of people for more than 35 years. He has cofacilitated hypnosis and storytelling workshops with Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona (author of Coyote Medicine) and hypnosis and sound workshops with Creative Music Studio founder Dr. Karl Hans Berger. A lifelong musician, Peter has studied music and sound healing with Ustad Jamaluddin Bhartiya, Pauline Oliveros, Fabian Mamman, Dr. John Beaulieu, and Don Conreaux. He has also been a student of transcultural shamanic practices, primarily with Native American elder Beautiful Painted Arrow (Joseph Rael). Peter has given concerts and workshops at the Omega Institute, the Abode of the Message, Menla Retreat Center, and the United Nations, using his extensive collection of Himalayan singing bowls and other instruments from around the world. His six CDs in the Sounds for Healing series are popular as an adjunct to meditation, guided imagery, yoga, massage, and hypnosis. He is the author of the recently published book