Business Leaders Podcast

How To Grow Your Company Organically In This New World With Dr. Angus Fletcher



  If you want to grow as a company, you have to do it organically, not by following trends. Ask your customers what they want and then build from that. Stop anticipating the next trend and just work on your core business. Be creative and original. Join your host Bob Roark and his guest (Dr. Angus Fletcher) as they break down how you can lead your business to grow organically. Angus is a Professor of Story Science at (Ohio State’s Project Narrative). Discover Angus's love for both neuroscience and storytelling. Come and join the conversation on how you can grow your company in a world that's so different from before. Be open to change and anomalies so that you can grow. Feed your creative brain so that you can grow. Grow organically today! --- Watch the episode here:   How To Grow Your Company Organically In This New World With Dr. Angus Fletcher Our guest is Dr. Angus Fletcher. He is a professor at Ohio State University's https://p