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123 - Life Unbinged with Kristy McCammon



In today's episode I talk to Kristy McCammon, founder of Life Unbinged. Most of Kristy’s life was spent being overweight and food obsessed.  Unfortunately, food became her friend and comfort at a very young age. This set up a lifetime of dependence on food for every emotion; sadness, joy, fear, excitement, happiness, anger, boredom, chaos – you name the emotion and food was the answer. She was in a battle with food daily. She was either white knuckling her way to stay out of the food or was overeating and bingeing – there was no in between. No matter what she tried, she simply could not let go of sugar and flour laden junk food. It had truly become a stronghold in her life that kept her enslaved to food. The idea of moderation always sounded ideal – just one piece, just one bowl, just one slice, just one….. that never worked for her. Once she had JUST ONE, her brain was actively demanding more. She was in a place of desperation and her weight was the highest it had ever been. She had an amazing husband o