Service Academy Business Mastermind

#193: 10 Healthy Habits to Thrive in the New Year with Patrick Dossett, USNA ‘02



“The goal of this program is not to give you a checklist of things you have to do in ten days, the goal is to shift the way that you’re showing up so that your reflexive self becomes your best self...You can’t un-see the perspectives that you create as a result of what you do through Madefor. You’re going to see things a little bit differently and you’re going to see things in a way that is aligned with what works for you.” - Patrick Dossett   Patrick Dossett is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training, and the Wharton School of Business. Pat is currently CEO of Madefor, a science-backed step-by-step program designed to help individuals thrive by training them how to take control of their lives through developing simple and effective healthy habits. Of his time in uniform, he says, “I received far more than I gave and continue to be inspired by those I served alongside.” Pat believes in the power of small steps and is passionate about helping others realize their full po