Thriving Stylist Podcast

#211-Text to book advantages and disadvantages



Today I’m diving into a topic I get asked about a lot - text messaging! Maybe you’ve wondering how effective this tool is, and whether or not you should be using it in your business. In this episode, I reveal the advantages and disadvantages of text messaging, the misconceptions that exist around the topic, and I answer common questions that I hear when text messaging is brought up in conversation. We cover how to set all of this up in my Thriving Stylist METHOD and Scaling Stylist METHOD, and the best way to get started with either is to check out Thrivers Society Prep School at! If you have a question for me that you’d like answered on a future episode, a great way to do that is to head over to Apple Podcasts and leave a rating and review with your question. I’m looking forward to doing more of these types of episodes on the podcast! If you’re not already following us, @thethrivingstylist, what are you waiting for? This is where I share pro tips every single w