So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

097: So You Wanna Sell On eBay - Gina Muff



  Gina Muff is an avid listener of eBay Radio and claims it helped her develop and grow her eBay business - ClassySoles. Gina lives in a rural area with the closest Wal-Mart 2 hrs away. Her location presents challenges to selling online, but hasn't prevented her from becoming an eBay Top Rated Seller and Powerseller. Gina developed an interest in classic, quality shoes at a very young age while shopping with her mother. Interesting Notes Gina lives in the Northeast corner of New Mexico. It is close to Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas. The closest thrift store, she can get to get real thrifting is 3 to 5 hours away. Gina started selling stuff because people who have stuff that they do not want, gave it to her. It was not as a consignment, though. People knew that Gina could sell it. It did not enter into her mind that it would be a kind of a business. About 5 years ago, she went to a tiny thrift store about an hour and a half away from their area. It had a pair of rare, European shoes sold for $50. Sh