Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR 3.46 : Trav Bell



SHOW NOTES Good Note : The Pandemic has not hindered his business and he is grateful for that. Bad Note : Heavily weighted as a public speaker, so the lockdowns killed all his gigs. Jam Room : Lots of books! Band : Full time VA in the philipines, coaches. Use technology to stay connected with the team. Learning from the best : Always had coaches, but the real learning came when he started his business. THE STORY Trav Bell is The Bucket List Guy…The Worldʼs #1 Bucket List Expert. As a self-appointed ʻBucket Listologistʼ, Trav helps people live their Bucket List before it’s too late! His unique life-engagement message really wakes you up, stops ground-hog days and helps you to experience more fulfilment. He says, “A Bucket List is a tangible Life Plan…where our Business Plan or Career Plan should fit into our Life Plan & not be the other way around.” No one practices what they preach more than Trav. His ‘crazy’ globetrotting adventures are contagious, hilarious & always fresh. He is the author of