Music Legends

Miles Davis 1: Too Cool for School



What does the word "cool" mean to you? Chances are, you've never thought as hard about it as you are right now. Miles Davis is considered one of the "coolest" people to have ever lived, but what exactly made him so cool anyway? Well, you're about to find out.  I've never done more than two episodes of Music Legends on a single band or musician and fully anticipated continuing this trend when I started researching Miles Davis for Music Legends back in September of 2019. After months of long nights of research and production, it became clear that just one episode wasn't quite going to cut it. Now, here we are. Just days away from 2022, and I'm finally unleashing this epic journey. Season 2 of Music Legends is a highly narrative-driven format that navigates through Miles Davis's crazy life by transporting the listener straight to Davis's most life-changing moments. Weaving through his experiences and getting to know characters who had tremendous impacts on Miles Davis throughout his life, you will feel like yo