No Barriers

Frontlines of the NICU with Benjamin Rattray



To introduce our guest this week, read you a passage from a recent essay he wrote: “I gaze at her straight charcoal hair, serious blinking eyes and flawless skin. She is only a day old, but already her muscles are tight and when she cries it is high-pitched and she is difficult to console. Her urine is positive for benzodiazepines, amphetamines, cocaine, and opioid derivatives.” These are the words of Benjamin Rattray. He takes care of babies in the neonatal intensive care unit. He walks the path where life and death are regularly held in his hands. He balances clinical science and compassionate care, with the goal infusing his medical practice with empathy and humanism. What does this all mean for us? Have a listen and discover for yourself. NOTE: This is our final episode of the year and our production team is taking a break for the holidays.