Out Of The Box With Christine

Why You Need To Tap Into The Power of Video Marketing



No matter what type of business you run there is one thing that matters most. PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW WHAT THE HELL IT IS YOU ACTUALLY CAN DO FOR THEM! My guest today is Chris Schwager. He's the brains behind Ridge Films (Google's highest rated video company in Australia). Want to learn how to use video to improve communication, get leads and make sales? Then this episode of Out of The Box With Christine is for you! LINKS MENTIONED: http://www.ridgefilms.com.au http://www.ridgefilms.com.au/diy https://www.vidyard.com/ MORE INFO ON THIS PODCAST http://www.OutofTheBoxWithChristine.com MORE INFO ON CHRISTINE BLOSDALE http://www.ChristineBlosdale.com #video #marketing #videoproduction #multimedia