Key Voices

Key Voices #139 Getting into governance with Governors for Schools



This week we talk to Hannah Stolton, Chief Executive at Governors for Schools and Nisadha Bandhara, Chair of Governors at Webster Primary School in Manchester. We discuss what makes a good governor, trends in governor recruitment and Nisadha’s own experience taking over the chair at her school. Hannah and Nisadha also share advice for prospective governors and make the case for volunteering.    We talk about  The work of Governors for Schools  Nisadha’s experiences of governor recruitment and becoming Chair of a Single Academy Trust  Governors for Schools’ new ‘All Pupils Every Ambition’ campaign  The skills Nisadha has brought to the role and what she has learned from being a governor  The kinds of skills governing boards are looking for in new recruits  How Covid-19 has impacted governor recruitment  The benefits and challenges of remote governance  Advice from prospective governors      You can see some of the work going on at Webster Primary on their instagram page here   You can sign up t