Patent Bar Mpep Q & A Podcast

MPEP Q & A 238: What are examples of laws of nature or natural phenomena?



Question: List two concepts and products the courts have identified as examples of laws of nature or natural phenomena. Answer: The courts have identified the following concepts and products as examples of laws of nature or natural phenomena: isolated DNA, Ass’n for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc.; a cloned farm animal such as a sheep, In re Roslin Institute (Edinburgh); a correlation between variations in non-coding regions of DNA and allele presence in coding regions of DNA, Genetic Techs. Ltd. v. Merial LLC; a correlation that is the consequence of how a certain compound is metabolized by the body, Mayo Collaborative Servs. v.… The post MPEP Q & A 238: What are examples of laws of nature or natural phenomena? appeared first on Patent Education Series.