Dyslexic And Un-stoppable

Hope For When Your Smart Child Is Struggling In School



When your smart child is struggling in elementary school, it can be overwhelming.You may not understand why your child is having so much trouble at school.  At home you have a smart, engaged, funny, inquisitive child who loves learning.  However when she gets to school, you start getting phone call from the teacher about:How she is far behind the other childrenHow she can’t sit stillMaybe even about behavioral issues she is having.So what can you do about it:In this video we discuss one of the opportunities that we, at Dyslexic AND UN-Stoppable, offer parents just like you.  In talking to the many parents at book signings, on webinars, and at speaking events, we have come to realize that many of you just don’t know where to turn.  So, as we mention in this video, one of the opportunities we offer you is a Skype conversation.  Some of the benefits of a conversation with Dr. Curtiss:  – One-on-one attention to get your specific questions answered  – Help with reviewing testing you have had done for your child 
