Financial Advisor Success

Ep 258: Learning Advice Before Getting Clients: The Future Of Financial Advisor Career Tracks with Joe Pitzl



Joe Pitzl is the founder of Pitzl Financial, an independent RIA based out of Minneapolis that oversees nearly $270 million in assets for 270 households. Joe had a unique next-generation career path into the financial advice business, and with only 10 years of experience under his belt, launched his own firm. Listen in as he shares how he navigated into the financial planning field despite his struggles in the traditional classroom setting, how he built a network of support to the point where he never struggled to land his next career opportunity, and how he scaled his firm to $250 million of AUM in just seven years with a team of five people. We also discuss how forming a study group with other advisors at a similar age and stage was foundational to Joe’s career success, as well as how he navigated the challenge of finding himself out of a job at the same time that he was starting a family and buying a house. For show notes and more visit: