Service Academy Business Mastermind

#191: How Army/Navy Pranks Sharpen Business Strategies with Mike Nemeth, USMA ‘04



“Abandon the fantasy of, hey, I’m going to get to this level and have everything figured out. That’s a dangerous mindset to have because you should always be trying to get better and learn more and keep pushing yourself...don’t have the grass is greener mentality. The comparison game will kill you. It’s always a grind and I have utmost patience and respect for anybody putting themselves out there and trying to build something. It’s not easy and it takes support and it takes a whole team of people (peers, team members, family).” - Mike Nemeth (USMA ‘04)  Mike Nemeth (USMA ’04) is an SABM podcast regular, best known across the Service Academy community for his hilarious pranks that capture the spirit of the Army/Navy rivalry.  We’re excited to talk with him again this year during Army/Navy week. In addition to his role as the community prankster, Mike is also a very successful entrepreneur who has built Emblem Athletic, a very successful apparel business from the ground up. In this episode, we discuss: How Mik